nummer 164
27 oktober 2022
Recht - Internationaal Recht

Geachte lezer,

Hierbij ontvangt u het zeventiende overzicht van 2022 met juridische literatuur die de afgelopen twee weken verschenen is op het gebied van het Internationaal Recht.

Met vriendelijke groet,
Eric Koreman

The World Bank's Lawyers
The Life of International Law as Institutional Practice
The World Bank's Lawyers gives an original socio-legal account of the evolving institutional life of international law. It tells the previously untold story of the World Bank's legal department. This is a story of people and the practices they cling to and how these practices gain traction, or fail to do so, in an international bureaucracy. lees meer

€ 112,00
Dimitri Van Den Meerssche
OUP Oxford
1e druk
Shocking the Conscience of Humanity
Gravity and the Legitimacy of International Criminal Law
The literature and jurisprudence of international criminal law relies on the claim that international crimes are exceptionally grave. DeGuzman looks to build the legitimacy of international law by exposing the value choices that the rhetoric of 'gravity' entails, and poses a new framework for assessing the legitimacy of international criminal law. lees meer

€ 35,00
Margaret deGuzman
Paperback / softback
OUP Oxford
1e druk
Transnational Law
A Framework for Analysis
Using interdisciplinary techniques and case studies from around the world, this textbook offers a comprehensive, holistic exploration of transnational law. It advances a framework for understanding what to look for when encountering transnational legal institutions and practices. lees meer

€ 63,00
Dowdle, Michael W.
Paperback / softback
Cambridge University Press
1e druk

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