The truth about slutshaming and what we can do to fight it
Beth Ashley
The truth about slutshaming and what we can do to fight it
Beth Ashley
Levertijd: ca. 4 tot 6 werkdagen
After the First World War, the improvement of working and living conditions in agriculture became an international issue for the first time. Led by the International Labour Organization and related organizations, the immediate interwar and post-war years were a fertile time for international debates, knowledge production, and policy-making.
It is well-known that gender distinctions structure the modern labour market, but why is this so and how far back in time does the pattern extend? This book uses a unique method to map and explain how gender rather than marital status came to be important.
America's Military Biomedical Complex traces how laws and ethical codes have co-evolved with America's military science pursuits. It vividly illustrates how the drive for scientific and military superiority has led to transformational achievements in medicine and science, demonstrating how these endeavors have shifted the moral compass of government and society.