Stories for Maths
Stories for Maths
Chaos breaks out at the autumn fair when some balloons are accidentally released. Quick-thinking Omar suggests they use the bouncy castle to grab the balloons before they float away, but dragon claws are sharp ...
Levertijd: 5 tot 10 werkdagen
At the autumn fair, Poly the parrot spots Ember. She flies after the dragon, startling the balloon seller, who lets go of his balloons. Can Ember and the children rescue the balloons before they float away? And who will win the fancy dress competition?
Stories for Maths helps develop maths mastery through the power of story.
This series aligns with the White Rose Maths schemes of learning. Each book has questions at the bottom of the pages and an activity page at the end of the story, which help to draw out that learning by asking questions and encouraging talk about maths. The answers to the questions appear at the end of the book. Key maths words and phrases are also highlighted in each book, further helping to deepen understanding and grow children's mathematical skills.
The books in Year 2/Primary 3 are designed for a child to be able to read independently.
This book aligns with White Rose Maths for Year 2, Addition and subtraction, Step 4. Bonds to 100 (tens).