Wegenkaart Lesotho / Swaziland , , General map of the country with a street plan of Mbabane, an index of place names, a distance table, and notes on the country’s geography, history, economy and tourism.
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Wegenkaart Lesotho / Swaziland ,
General map of the country with a street plan of Mbabane, an index of place names, a distance table, and notes on the country’s geography, history, economy and tourism. Altitude colouring shows Swaziland’s topography. Internal administrative boundaries are shown with names of the provinces. Road network includes unsurfaced roads and tracks. National parks and reserves are marked and symbols indicate the location of petrol stations, tourist offices, hotels, rest houses and campsites, museums and places of interest etc. ,
The map also includes an inset with a street plan of Mbabane, a distance table, extensive notes on the country’s history etc, and annual rainfall and temperature charts. Outside Swaziland’s boundaries information is limited to main connecting roads only, with no topography.