"A Spiritual Interpretation of Numbers and Symbols"
"A Spiritual Interpretation of Numbers and Symbols"
THE ORIGIN OF NUMERICAL SYSTEMS. "Every cosmogony, from the earliest to the latest, is based upon, interlinked with, and most closely related to, numerals and geometrical figures." " The Secret Doctrine, Blavatasky, III, 69.” "So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom."
"Every cosmogony, from the earliest to the latest, is based upon, interlinked with, and most closely related to, numerals and geometrical figures." " The Secret Doctrine, Blavatasky, III, 69.”
"So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom." " Psalms, xc, 12.
"God is a Number endowed with motion, which is felt but not demonstrated." " Balzac.
Mathematics is the only exact science; the only whose propositions are capable of conclusive proof and demonstration. All other so-called "exact sciences" are based upon assumptions, deductions and "working hypotheses" which are more or less useful until further investigation and discovery proves them to be but partial truths. And in these days of rapid progress, the changes of base in the "exact sciences" are so frequent that the scientific text-books have to be rewritten every few years, so rapidly are the materialistic conceptions of matter and the universe outgrown.