how to give impact to your message
how to give impact to your message
If you are looking for practical insights on how to give your ideas, plans and opinions more impact, then look no further.Always Persuasive is a collection of tips and tricks on how to present your ideas with more persuasive power.
If you are looking for practical insights on how to give your ideas, plans and opinions more impact, then look no further.
Always Persuasive is a collection of tips and tricks on how to present your ideas with more persuasive power.
The authors present time-tested strategies through compelling stories.
This book is based on experiences of executive consultants in the art of persuasion and presenting. Together with thousands of readers of the Dutch nationwide newspaper the authors selected the best persuasion techniques and structured them for you to use right away.
Lars Duursma is an executive coach on the art of presentation. As a former world champion in debating and a campaigner for Obama Lars knows how to give impact to your speeches.
Job ten Bosch is a persuasion consultant. Job uses the latest insights from social psychology and neurology to turn propositions and corporate communications into irresistible ones.
Take Ligteringen is a journalist and copywriter. Take knows how to turn dull financial and legal information into compelling stories.