Ars Aequi Wetseditie
Ars Aequi Wetseditie
Rik Mellenbergh & Geert Raaijmakers Dr. Rik Mellenbergh is associate professor at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Private Law Department. He is specialized in company law, securities law, property law and environmental law.
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Rik Mellenbergh & Geert Raaijmakers
Dr. Rik Mellenbergh is associate professor at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Private Law Department. He is specialized in company law, securities law, property law and environmental law. He is director of the International Business Law program of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Prof. dr. Geert Raaijmakers is professor at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Private Law Department, and partner at the Dutch law firm Nauta Dutilh in Amsterdam. He is specialized in company law, corporate governance, corporate restructuring, pension fund governance and securities law. He is a member of the Dutch Committee on Company Law(Commissie Vennootschapsrecht)