Killing innocent civilians must stop: PERIOD! In war-free time but first of all in war-time. War must not exist: PERIOD! The Secretary-General of the UN must report threats and threats are clearly before any war.
Killing innocent civilians must stop: PERIOD! In war-free time but first of all in war-time. War must not exist: PERIOD! The Secretary-General of the UN must report threats and threats are clearly before any war. These threats against “Peace and Security” must be reported to the Security Council. But still are many wars going on. So he doesn’t report on this effectively: is this due to a lack of facts and information or due to unfit for the job? Why did the Secretary-
General let the UN change from “United” into “Unhinged”? A sneaky peak inside the open messages showed direct-addressed answers. Who doesn’t want to know what is written to the Secretary-General of the UN?