Most people expect that a newborn baby will consciously turn out to be heterosexual. But there are some babies who at some point or other in their lives, discover or become aware that they are homosexual, or lesbian, or bisexual, or transexual, or even asexual.
Most people expect that a newborn baby will consciously turn out to be heterosexual. But there are some babies who at some point or other in their lives, discover or become aware that they are homosexual, or lesbian, or bisexual, or transexual, or even asexual. In this graphic book, you will find brief sketches of persons, who rightly or wrongly, were presumed to be homosexual, lesbian, bisexual, transexual or asexual. I believe that heteros and homos etc. long to be respected and loved in equal measure. This is my motivation for the making of this book. ~ Jan Haen