Boekhandel Douwes Den Haag

Memories of my Personal and Professional life

1937 - 2017

Fritz H. Schröder

Memories of my Personal and Professional life

Memories of my Personal and Professional life

1937 - 2017

Memories of my Personal and Professional life



Fritz Schröder is a retired professor of urology. He functioned as the head of the Department of Urology at Erasmus University in Rotterdam from 1977 to 2002. He was born, raised and trained in Germany and in the USA.

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Beschrijving Memories of my Personal and Professional life

Fritz Schröder is a retired professor of urology. He functioned as the head of the Department of Urology at Erasmus University in Rotterdam from 1977 to 2002. He was born, raised and trained in Germany and in the USA. His professional life was determined by his clinical activities, oncological research mainly concerning prostate cancer and the training of young urologists. Next to his professional life he took care of his family together with his wife Maren and continued to play cello which is his life time hobby. He loves to play chamber music in various settings.

Fritz Schröder looks back with satisfaction and happiness on his personal and professional life. In this book an attempt is made to describe a number of its most interesting aspects. Probably his work in the field of prostate cancer, specifically the results of the trials addressing the early diagnosis of prostate cancer, have permanent clinical value.

The author hopes to be able to give to his readers a lively impression of his in many respects impressive professional and personal life.

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Aspekt B.V., Uitgeverij

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