On the Arrival of the Annales School in the Netherlands and the Development of Historical Arithmetic (Historiographical Thriller)
On the Arrival of the Annales School in the Netherlands and the Development of Historical Arithmetic (Historiographical Thriller)
Clios’Abacus is an intriguing exploration in literature into the way quantitative historical research in the Netherlands over the past half-century has been shaped, largely based on outdated and never updated source material.
Clios’Abacus is an intriguing exploration in literature into the way quantitative historical research in the Netherlands over the past half-century has been shaped, largely based on outdated and never updated source material. In the background, the implementation of ideas from the French Annales School (Febvre, Braudel, Le Roy Ladurie, among others) has played a significant role in the Netherlands from the 1940s till now.